It was our 40th wedding anniversary in May 2020. For my parents’ 40th, my siblings and I planned a celebration that included their wedding party, people traveling to the house, preparing a smorgasbord-type spread (nothing close to my mother’s Norwegian spread) and 40 people came.
Would have been nice to have that in May, but not in 2020. My wife, Sally, was sad that we could not even have our sons’ families in for a gathering and celebration. Well, we were resigned to having a quiet day, flipping through our wedding albums, and reminiscing about those great memories from 40 years ago. We were on the deck when we got a call from our youngest son, living in Maryland, saying that we needed to go to the front porch. We went through the house and discovered our other three sons and their families beeping car horns and making all kinds of noise. Grandchildren were hanging out of vehicle windows yelling for us. They planned a ‘drive-by’ which included parking and talking with us from a distance. Among the nice presents they deposited in our yard for us to retrieve was a set of four pictures. Each picture was of one of the families standing in front of or in their home holding a sign saying, “Happy”, “40th”, “Anniversary”, “!!!”. Nothing could have been brighter for us during this otherwise trying time. Our family made sure our 40th anniversary was a special day! “But when you are invited, go and sit down at the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he may say to you, ‘Friend, move up higher’; then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at the table with you. For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” Luke 14:10-11 Tom Horn
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Authors:The people of Grace share their favorite bible stories for the 2023 Lenten Devotional: I Love to Tell the Story. Each day's devotional will be automatically posted so come back daily after 7 am for a new reflection. |