Thank you to Pastor Schul, Cindy Fritz and Peter Horn for sharing time with us this morning. Pastor Schul gave us both the theology and psychology behind our current worship schedule and how we continue to gather even when we can’t gather as usual. All of the worship services for the rest of December are posted on the church website. There will be a myriad of services this month, including 8 worship services Christmas Eve! Cindy and Peter introduced us to the new Faith Formation website. WOW! What a wealth of resources for kids, families and adults. The section for adults includes links to the various Bible studies, personal devotion and studies, a Spotify seasonal playlist and so much more. After class, Cindy, Peter and I talked about the page for Adult Forum. Our notes and links from Adult Forum will become part of a blog for the class. Next week, Dec 20, Anne will lead a discussion of tips how to talk with people with whom you disagree.
Adult Forum is a lay led Sunday School class for Adults at Grace Lutheran |